From 4-Hydroxybenzoyl-CoA to 4-Hydroxybenzoate

Graphic of the reaction.

Medline reference
Chang KH, Liang PH, Beck W, Scholten JD, Dunaway-Mariano D. Biochemistry (1992) 31(24): 5605-10.

Search Medline for 4-hydroxybenzoyl-coenzyme A thioesterase.
5 citations on June 12, 2012.
                       |  OH-
  4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA | /
          thioesterase |/
     | Search GenBank, 1047 hits on Apr. 03, 2012
                 Kyoto |\
                ExPASy | \
                       |  CoASH
Display a pathway starting from this reaction.

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Page Author(s): Dong Jun Oh
August 14, 2005 Contact Us

This is the EAWAG-BBD reaction, reacID# r0141.
It was generated on September 29, 2024 at 9:30:03 AM CDT.

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