List of the UM-BBD
Predictive Biodegradation Workshop 3 Participants

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Outside Participants
Name/Affiliation Relevant Expertise
Kathrin Fenner
Environmental Chemistry Group
ETH, Switzerland
Predicting Microbial Biodegradation
Volker Hammen
Department of Community Ecology
Centre for Environmental Research, Germany
ALARM Project Manager
Philip Judson
Lhasa Limited, Leeds, UK
Metabolic Logic
Stefan Kramer
Technical University Munich, Germany
Chemoinformatics, predictive toxicology
Bodo Philipp
University of Konstanz, Germany
Metabolic Logic
Gyorgy Pirok
ChemAxon, Ltd., Hungary
virtual chemical reactions
Peter Reuschenbach
BASF, Germany
Ecological Risk Evaluation
Maurizio Silvani
BASF, Germany
Ecological Risk Evaluation
Emiel Rorije
National Institute of Public Health
and the Environment
, Netherlands
QSAR modeling of biodegradation reactions
Andreas Schmid
Chemical Biotechnology
University of Dortmundi, Germany
Design of industrial biocatalysts
Kenneth Timmis
Biological Sciences
University of Essex, UK
Metabolic Design
Kees van Ginkel
Akzo Nobel Chemicals, Netherlands
Metabolic Logic
Tom Van de Wiele
Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology
Ghent University, Belgium
Metabolic Logic

E-Mail Participant
Name/Affiliation Relevant Expertise
Tom Federle
Procter & Gamble, USA
Metabolic Logic
Rodrigo Lopez
European Bioinformatics Institute
Hinxton, UK
EBI UM-BBD mirror

University of Minnesota and P&G Participants
Name/Affiliation Relevant Expertise
Lynda Ellis
University of Minnesota
UM-BBD, bioinformatics, cheminformatics
Joanna Jaworska
Procter & Gamble, Western Europe
Modelling Environmental
Fate of Chemicals
Diederik Schowanek
Procter & Gamble, Western Europe
Modelling Environmental
Fate of Chemicals
Larry Wackett
University of Minnesota
UM-BBD, Metabolic Logic

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Page Author(s): Lynda Ellis

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