UM-BBD User Survey Results5

UM-BBD User Survey Results
April 18, 2003

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The Sixth Annual User Survey was sent to 608 members of the UM-BBD e-mail user list on April 18, 2003. 24 responded as of May 15, 2003 for a 4% response rate, significantly lower than in previous years, possibly due to increases in spam.

Where responders chose two or more items in a question, their vote was divided by the number of choices they made, e.g. 2 choices each were counted as 0.5. User comments are reported at the bottom of the page.

1. Professional Affiliation (choose one)

  4    17%  Industry 
 13    54%  Academic 

  3    13%  Government 
  2     8   Consultant

  2     8%  Other affiliations: environmental contractor, independent research organization
===== ====
 24   100%
About the same as in previous years.

2. Priority for UM-BBD development (choose one)

 11.5  48%  More breadth (more pathways, reactions, and/or compounds)
 12.5  52%  More depth (more information on each pathway, reaction
            and/or compound, or more features, such as search options)
===== ====
 24   100%
For the first time, users wanting more breadth and depth balance.

3.  What is the most useful type of UM-BBD information for you? 
    (choose one)

 13.53  56%  Pathways and Metapathways (text, graphics, significance 
             statements, links to organism information, dynamic pathway 

  3.53  15%  Reaction (text, graphics, links to literature, sequences, 
  3.20  13%  Enzymes (links to DNA sequences, protein sequences, 
             protein structures, enzyme databases)

  0.33   1.4%  Compound (text, graphics, formula, CAS Reg. Number, links)
  0.20   0.8%  Biochemical Periodic Tables
  2.20   9%  Pathway Prediction System and BTrules

  1.0    4%  Useful Internet Resources page
=====  ====
 24.0   99.2%
As before, pathway information is most useful, and enzyme and reaction information are also of use.

4.  How do you most frequently search the UM-BBD? 

 12.2  50.7% Compound name

  4    16.7% Compound CAS number

  1     4%   Compound formula

  0.2   0.7% Compound structure using SMILES string

  0.0   0.0% Compound structure using Java applet

  4    16.7% Enzyme name

  1     4%   Enzyme EC number

  1.5   6%   Microorganism name

  0.2   0.7% BTrule organic functional group name
====== =====
 24    99.5%
Compound name is most frequently searched, followed by compound CAS number and enzyme name.

5. How would you rate the Pathway Prediction System?

 4  19% Excellent

11  52% Good

 0      Average

 0      Fair

 0      Poor

 3  14% Don't use it, not of interest

 3  14% Don't use it, technical problems
=== ===
21  99%
All respondents who use it say it is good or excellent. However several people are unable to use it due to technical problems. These users are asked to try again, since we update the software frequently and their problems may have been fixed.

6. What is your primary use for the database now? (choose one)

 19  32%  Research   

 15  25%  Research and Development

  1   2%  Development 

  0   0%  Development and Education

  2   3%  Education  

 17  28%  Research and Education

  6  10%  Other use 
=== ====
 60 100%
As in past years, research is the major use.

6. Any other comments, suggestions for pathways to include, etc.

Thank you for your efforts to develop UM-BBD.

It is a really nice system

This database is an excellent resource. I encourage its continued upgrading.

Keep up the good work

denitrification and sulfide oxidation would be of interest. I especially am having good luck with Paracoccus pantotrophus, Thiobacillus denitrificans and Starkeya novella. It would not be hard to do a pathway with the information published in various papers and might interest people who do not understand how it works.

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Page Author(s): Lynda Ellis

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