UM-BBD User Survey Results5

UM-BBD User Survey Results
April 12, 2001

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The Sixth Annual User Survey was sent to 557 members of the UM-BBD e-mail user list on April 12, 2001. 60 responded as of April 27, 2000 for an 11% response rate, the same as last year.

Where responders chose two or more items in a question, their vote was divided by the number of choices they made, e.g. 2 choices each were counted as 0.5. User comments are reported on a separate page.

1. Professional Affiliation (choose one)

 15    25%  Industry 
 36    60%  Academic 

  7    12%  Government 

  2     3%  Other affiliations
===== ====
 60   100%
About the same as last year.

2. Priority for UM-BBD development (choose one)

 41    70%  More breadth (more pathways, reactions, and/or compounds)
 18    30%  More depth (more information on each pathway, reaction
            and/or compound, or more features, such as search options)
===== ====
 60   100%
For the fifth year in a row, uses feel we most need more breadth (more pathways).

3.  What is the most useful type of UM-BBD information for you? 
    (choose one)

 28.6  48%  Pathways and Metapathways (text, graphics, significance 
            statements, links to organism information, dynamic pathway 

 11.0  18%  Reaction (text, graphics, links to literature, sequences, 
 12.8  21%  Enzymes (links to DNA sequences, protein sequences, 
            protein structures, enzyme databases)

  5.8  10%  Compound (text, graphics, formula, CAS Reg. Number, links)

  1.6   3%  Useful Internet Resources page
===== ====
 59.8 100%
Pathway information is most useful, and enzyme and reaction information are also of use.

5. What is your primary use for the database now? (choose one)

 19  32%  Research   

 15  25%  Research and Development

  1   2%  Development 

  0   0%  Development and Education

  2   3%  Education  

 17  28%  Research and Education

  6  10%  Other use 
=== ====
 60 100%
As in past years, research is the major use.

6. Any other comments, suggestions for pathways to include, etc.

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Page Author(s): Lynda Ellis

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