UM-BBD User Survey Comments
Comments on the UM-BBD User Survey
April 9, 1999
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Comments were received from 11/50 (22%) of the respondents to the survey, about the same percentage as last year. These were edited to remove personal identifying information and are collected here. We commented on a few of the
comments; our answers are indicated by >.
Create a forum through which users can post Q&A, exchange information,
and assist each other in their search and applications (e.g., if data
sought are not present here, perhaps other users know of other sources).
> We try not to duplicate the work of others, and the Bioremediation
> Discussion Group ( is such a forum.
I like the links to other information, such as Chemfinder.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to develop the site.
Keep up the good work!
I find your site very useful, both for my research and teaching. I have
been on your mailing list for over a year now, and I have filed and
categorized all your e-mailings; these I often return to as a Web entry
I strongly endorse the need for your effort to be supported; they are an
invaluable resource for the environmental research and education
Thanks for doing such an admirable job. I do not use the service as
much as I might. I think that it could contribute more to my research
if I accessed it more.
Thank you very much for maintaining this useful database.
It would be useful if the compound and reaction graphics were
downloadable in a format (e.g. MDL Molfile) that can be loaded into
structure drawing programs.
> UM-BBD graphics are accessible in structure drawing format. Download
> ChemWeb (free) from
> Then download any UM-BBD graphic and open it with ChemWeb. You can
> save the graphic as a MOLfile or SMILES string. The graphic can also
> be pasted into some other chemical drawing programs.
A very good web site, keep it up!
Thank you for developing, managing, and improving on the UM-BBD. My
staff finds it very important to the work we do. Please keep up the
excellent work.
For you prediction system it would also be valuable to include not just
links to sequences, but genetic organization of the pathways in UM-BBD
itself. Since many pathways can evolve by natural genetic mechanisms,
this could provide insights in gene shuffling leading to new pathway
gene clusters.
> Unfortunately, not all (or even most) of the enzymes which carry out
> UM-BBD reactions have been studied well enough to discover which
> genes produce them. Where genes are known, we include a search of
> GenBank on our reaction pages. GenBankšs graphical view shows
> genetic localization.
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Page Author(s): Lynda Ellis
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