UM-BBD User Survey Comments

Comments on the UM-BBD User Survey
April 10, 1998

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Comments were received from 20/68 (29%) of the respondants to the survey, about the same percentage as last year. These were edited to remove personal identifying information and collected here.
I usually use it to find the type(s) of breakdown products that can be expected to result from bacterial biodegradation. To find out which bacteria are reported to be responsible for specific reactions. To find out if these reactions take place under aerobic or anaerobic conditions.

An excellent page. I would like to see more animated reactions (particularly useful for those of use that think in images and pictures). Although a fee is resonable, I would hesitiate strongly to make students and/or teachers in academia to pay. Let industry foot the bill.
I know this would be hard to do, but it would be nice to indicate when there is biochemical evidence that a gene that is hit in medline actually catalyzes the reaction it is associated with. So many gene functions are assigned with no direct evidence that the enzyme encoded by said gene actually catalyzes that reaction suggested. Sometimes there is a loose association by showing that the bacterium that has the gene catalyzes the reaction. But with all the gene duplication out there, you can't presume that a gene cloned, though similar to other enzymes with the similar activity, is actually the primary enzyme catalyzing the reaction for the bug.

Another feature that would be nice would be to have a graphic of a dendogram of the gene hits and their related sequences available as a link. You could have a feature where users could send sequences to you to add to the fastA file used to generate the dendogram to help keep it up to date.
The database is wonderful, thank you.
I use it for problem solving for environmental contamination Suggestions for pathways to add: PESTICIDES
great web page, with a lot of information and links, however, I haven't looked at it recently.
Would like to see some pathways involving various terminal electron acceptors such as nitrate, iron, manganese, sulfate etc.,
I want to thank you for the information you mailed I have been concerned mainley to the surfactants(anionic, cationic, and nonionic. But I am satis fied to say that I find your work helpful to me. Thank you
Congratulations. Keep up with the good work.
1. It would be nice to have good links to enzyme home pages when they exist 2. Also the enzymes should be linked to the protein data base 3. The anaerobic pathways of acetate and methane formation are not in good shape.
I have filled out the survey by marking my preferences. These distinctions are somewhat artificial because my use is situational dependent. You have an interesting and changing resource. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for a great web-site! I use the UM-BBD a lot.
I trust the UM-BBD to provide as robust information as possible and I value the links to related resources, which can help me to check possibilities.

I feel that the underpinning provided by your publication of known pathways can and should be extendable to novel compounds entered by users. Agreed, no guarantees can be given, but such an organised semi-predictive facility would be very valuable.

I believe that UM-BBD on CD-ROM could be useful, but it would require frequent updating and extension.

Very well done so far! Keep going!
Thank you for your very useful database. The principle research subject of our laboratory is the biodegradation of toxic compounds like BTEX, biphenyles, morpholine and diuron. I have just one suggestion about a pathway you can include: phenol.
Thanks for your service/web site
I've found this site a useful resource in a Microbial Physiology course that I teach. The students are asked to choose a compound from a list that I provide, and to report on the biodegradation pathway(s) associated with that compound. The purpose is to show them that there are available resources they can tap beyond the textbooks, and to illustrate the diversity of metabolism. I've been surprised by how many students had not been exposed to the web before (other than registering for classes).
This is a great site. It should continue to be funded. It would be nice to have an easy method of submitting comments concerning possible mistakes or additions to the pathways, rxs, etc.
I work on predicting and evaluating progress in biological remediation-projects of contaminated soil and groundwater, mostly of oil-products.
The database is splendid, perhaps more attention could be paid to tighter integration with other databases of the scientific literature and especially patent literature.
I contract reactor vessel volume bioremediation of hazardous wastes using protocols developed by our company
This is a valuable service for us. Keep it up!

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Page Author(s): Lynda Ellis

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