Quercetin Pathway Map

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This pathway was contributed by Colin Kilbane, University of Minnesota.

Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid compound found in most plant tissues. It is being studied for apparent benefical effects including cardiovascular protection, anti-cancer activity, anti-ulcer effects, anti-allergy activity, cataract prevention, antiviral activity, and anti-inflammatory effects (Flavonoids in health and disease. Eds C.A. Rice-Evans and L. Packer. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998). Many of these effects have been attributed to quercetin's antioxidant activity. These apparent effects have lead to the sale of plant-derived quercetin as a natural remedy and nutritional supplement.

The degradation of quercetin is of particular interest since the enzyme quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase is one of the few copper-based dioxygenase enzymes. This enzyme has been structurally characterized (Fusetti et al., 2002).

The following is a text-format Quercetin pathway map. Three organisms which can initiate the pathway are given, but other organisms may also carry out this step. Follow the links for more information on compounds or reactions. This map is also available in graphic (6k) format.

              Aspergillus niger
              Fusarium oxysporum
              Aspergillus flavus
                  and others
                      | quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase


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Page Author: Colin Kilbane

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