Ruthenium has no known biological function, but ruthenium is present in the human body at a higher
concentration than the essential element cobalt (Emsley, 1989). The nuclear fission products 103Ru and
106Ru are minor constituents of nuclear power plant effluents, and the potential for microorganisms to accumulate
ruthenium isotopes has been explored (Zharova, 1961;
Gibson et al, 1986). Isolated Bacillus subtilis cell walls have
been shown to bind Ru3+ with high affinity (Beveridge, 1978).
For more information:
Search Medline for ruthenium metabolism AND bacteria
Emsley, J. The Elements. Oxford University Press. Oxford, U.K. 1989.
Zharova TV. Accumulation of radioactive isotopes of strontium, ruthenium, cesium, and cerium by some bacteria.
Mikrobiologiya. 1961;30:871-6.