This pathway was completed by Jingfeng Feng, University of Minnesota.
This Organosilicone pathway focuses on degradation of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and dimethylsilanediol (DMSD). DMSD is the main degradation product of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) which can be found in a wide variety of industrial and consumer products. Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane is low-molecular-weight siloxane tetramer (D4) of DMSD. Grumping et al. (1999) state that octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane can be biodegraded to DMSD under anaerobic conditions in composted sewage sludge. DMSD is the monomer unit of PDMS. Biodegradation of DMSD in soil was demonstrated by Sabourin et al. (1996). There the fungus F. oxysporum Schlechtendahl and the bacteria in the Arthrobacter genus were reported to biodegrade DMSD under aerobic conditions.
The following is a text-format Organosilicone pathway map. Organisms which can initiate the pathway are given, but the other organisms may also carry out later steps. Follow the links for more information on compounds or reactions. This map is also available in graphic (13k) format.
Octamethylcyclo- tetrasiloxane Anaerobic consortium | | v A | | v Dimethylsilanediol (DMSD) Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtendahl Arthrobacter sp. | | DMSD hydroxylase | v Hydroxymethylmethyl- silanediol | | | hydroxymethylmethyl- | silanediol oxidase | v Formylmethylsilanediol | | B | v to the Methylsilanetriol + Formaldehyde ---> C1 Metabolic Cycle Pathway | | methylsilanetriol | hydroxylase | v Hydroxymethyl- silanetriol | | hydroxymethyl- | silanetriol oxidase | v Formylsilanetriol | | C | v to the Silicic acid + Formaldehyde ---> C1 Metabolic Cycle Pathway
Page Author(s): Jingfeng Feng
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