Methyl ethyl ketone Pathway Map

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This pathway was contributed by Jingfeng Feng, University of Minnesota.

Methyl ethyl ketone, also known as 2-butanone, is a clear, colorless liquid with a fragrant, mint-like odor. It is used as a solvent and in making plastics, textiles, and paints. Biologically, it can serve as a source of carbon and energy for a number of different bacteria and fungi. This pathway is based on Eubanks et al., 1974.

The following is a text-format Methyl ethyl ketone pathway map. An organism which can initiate the pathway is given, but other organisms may also carry out later steps. This map is also available in graphic (9k) format. Follow the links for more information on compounds or reactions.

                     Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
                   Nocardia sp. strain LSU-169
                               | 2-butanone oxidase
                         Ethyl acetate 
                               | acetylesterase
                     Acetate   +   Ethanol    
                        |             |    
                        |             |   
                        |             | NADP-dependent
                        |             | alcohol dehydrogenase
                        |             | 
                        |             |
                        |             v
                        |        Acetaldehyde
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        |             |
                        v             v
                  Intermediary    Intermediary
                   Metabolism      Metabolism 
                     (KEGG)          (KEGG)

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Page Author(s): Jingfeng Feng

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