From 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoate to 2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalene

Graphic of the reaction.

Medline reference
EVANS WC, FERNLEY HN, GRIFFITHS E. Biochem J (1965) 95: 819-31.

Search Medline titles for antracene AND bacteria.
46 citations on October 02, 2012.
                         |  2H+ + 2e- + O2
  3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate | /
             hydroxylase |/
                1.14.-.- |
                  ExPASy | \
                         |  H2O + CO2
Display a pathway starting from this reaction.

EAWAG-BBD Biotransformation rules in accord with this reaction:
vic-Hydroxycarboxyaromatic -----> Catechol derivative (bt0060)

[Anthracene] [BBD Main Menu]

Page Author(s): Mark Fischbach
May 17, 2006 Contact Us

This is the EAWAG-BBD reaction, reacID# r1141.
It was generated on September 7, 2024 at 7:56:07 PM CDT.

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