From Metamitron to 2-(Acetylhydrazinylidene)-2-phenylacetate

Graphic of the reaction.

Engelhardt,G.; Ziegler,W.; Wallnofer, P.R.; Jarczyk, H.J.;Oehlmann, L. Degradation of the Triazone Herbicide Metamitron by Arthrobacter sp. DSM 20389. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 30: 278-282 (1982)

Search Medline for metamitron AND deamination.
3 citations on March 09, 2012.
                       |  H2O
            metamitron | /
        amidohydrolase |/
               3.5.1.- |
                ExPASy | \
                       |  H+
    [Methyl benzoylformate acetylhydazone]    
                       |  H2O
                       | /
                       | \
                       |  N2H4
Display a pathway starting from this reaction.

EAWAG-BBD Biotransformation rules in accord with this reaction:
1,2,4-Triazinone derivative -----> Hydrazonoethanoate derivative (bt0404)

[Metamitron] [BBD Main Menu]

Page Author(s): Daniel Norat
May 04, 2008 Contact Us

This is the EAWAG-BBD reaction, reacID# r1509.
It was generated on September 29, 2024 at 9:17:02 PM CDT.

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