From Acetonitrile to Acetamide

Graphic of the reaction.

Medline reference
Dodge AG, Richman JE, Johnson G, Wackett LP. Appl Environ Microbiol (2006) 72(12): 7468-76.

Search Medline for nitrile hydratase AND acetonitrile.
28 citations on March 09, 2012.
            |  H2O
    nitrile | /
  hydratase |/ | Search GenBank, 129 hits on Apr. 03, 2012
      Kyoto |
     ExPASy |
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Page Author(s): Kathrin Fenner
November 09, 2006 Contact Us

This is the EAWAG-BBD reaction, reacID# r1315.
It was generated on September 29, 2024 at 5:28:42 PM CDT.

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