From 9-Fluorenone to 1-Hydro-1,1a-dihydroxy-9-fluorenone

Graphic of the reaction.

Medline reference
Wattiau P, Bastiaens L, van Herwijnen R, Daal L, Parsons JR, Renard ME, Springael D, Cornelis GR. Res Microbiol (2001) 152(10): 861-72.

Search Medline for 9-fluorenone dioxygenase.
7 citations on March 09, 2012.
                               |  O2 + 2H+ + 2e-
                               | /
  9-fluorenone-3,4-dioxygenase |/
                      1.14.-.- |
                        ExPASy |
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Page Author(s): Lynda Ellis
August 14, 2005 Contact Us

This is the EAWAG-BBD reaction, reacID# r1039.
It was generated on September 30, 2024 at 1:31:50 AM CDT.

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